Tribal Administration Closed to Visitors for Deep Cleaning

Tribal Administration Closed to Visitors for Deep Cleaning

Dear Tribal Community,

An employee who works for Tribal Law Enforcement tested positive for COVID-19 today. As with previous positive cases, staff responded quickly and notified the appropriate people. As a precaution, the Tribal Administration building will close to visitors and employees for deep cleaning for the rest of today. It is expected to reopen Wednesday morning, but as before most employees should be working remotely, and visitors need appointments.

The Tribe has taken numerous measures to ensure the safety of our employees during the coronavirus outbreak, including encouraging teleworking for positions that allow, implementing social distancing, installing Plexiglas barriers, remodeling building entries, and conducting regular cleaning and disinfection of buildings.

You can learn more about steps you can take to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 on our website:

You can also find a list of mobile testing clinics on Pierce County Emergency Management’s website:

Stay well. Stay safe.

–Puyallup Tribal Administration